The rest of this website provides all current data, through the latest quarterly reports released to the public by the FDA. However, the report below is limited to 2004 through the third quarter of 2012 (but you can click the links below to see more recent, up-to-date reports).
This page displays a list of the 1,000 most commonly reported drug names in the FDA Adverse Events reports database from 2004 through the third quarter of 2012. The list of drug names would be different for the most recent quarter. However, this list provides some insight into the range of adverse events frequency. For example, Paxil and Vioxx were both in the top ten most commonly cited drugs for the first quarter of 2004. This could indicate a need for further analysis. These numbers alone are useful in identifying potentially problematic drugs. However, significant statistical analysis is needed in order to make any determinations of problems. Aspirin is also in the top ten drugs in this list, but this is likely attributed more to the frequency of aspirin's use rather than any particular dangers of the drug.
The names are listed exactly as entered in the official report to the FDA. So, a blank space indicates the reporter failed to enter a drug name. Many entries are misspelled or entered in non-standard formats.
Click any of the drug names below to see a full list of reports for that specific drug name.
Drug names with event/report counts: 357492 of 357492 (100%)
Latest Results: (limited to 1,000)
Rows: 1000
-- end of results --
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